Thursday 7 August 2014

Tastings, markets and bales

Our lovely goatie helper Anita has been out of the goat shed promoting our delicious goatie products to the good people of Kent.  She ran a very successful tasting day at Macknade Fine Foods in Faversham (the finest deli in the known universe) and introduced many of the customers to our milk and cheese.  Positioned in the centre of the shop, they could not get past her without trying something!!  The table looked lovely with lots of samples and pictures of goats ..

Macknade were really pleased with the event and have invited us back again in September and also for a late night tasting event in the run up to Xmas.

And last Saturday Anita and her lovely friend Annette took Penshurst Farmers Market by storm in their red spotty pinnies.  Mind you, from what I heard, I think they may have spent rather too much time on the cake stall next door!!

But it was back into overalls and wellies for Anita on Monday as we lifted and shifted a lot of the kids around.  Some of those little boys are getting way too heavy to carry and, being goats, refused to walk where we wanted them.  So, I thought I would try a different technique ... seemed to work, although I did feel like something out of the Bible ..

Once we had moved them all around, some of them seemed to settle in very quickly .. here is one little chap with the best seat in the house!

Chickweed's babies are doing great - we have left them in with mum for a bit longer than usual to give them a good start.  As you see, the little girl is quite happy to use mum as a climbing frame in order to get to the hayrack!

From the very young to the very old .... Betty and Wilma peering round the parlour door waiting to come in and have their dinner out of the wheelbarrow:

And Epi is still in the 'naughty corner' at regular intervals.  I think she actually enjoys being in there especially when she gets a few banana treats!

Meanwhile, David has been absolutely flat out.  Hedgecutting season has started with a vengeance as the crops are harvested and the hedges need to be cut before the next lot of cultivation is done.  As well as trying to keep those customers happy, David has also been making hay for ourselves and today he was busy baling barley straw for the goaties.

When I spoke to him just before 8pm tonight he had done over 400 bales and was still going!  The weather is meant to be bad tomorrow and so he needs to get as much baled up as possible tonight otherwise we will lose it.

Balham and Blackheath markets for me this weekend - not sure what the weather has in store but I expect that I will get wet at some point!

And finally .. those naughty girls Diana and Vera are now well settled in with their new goatie mum Flo.  I get pics of them emailed to me at regular intervals .. here they are.  With attitude!

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